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100,000+ deals sourced from thousands of brokers and marketplaces. Plus, AI-powered listings, robust data & analytics, and more.

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Active Deals

Supercharge your deal sourcing by capturing every business opportunity listed online by business owners and brokers.

Listings Sourced

Our platform monitors listings from thousands of brokers, cleans unstructured data, and combines duplicates to identify unique business opportunities.

Revenue Captured

Current total annual revenue of deals sourced on Kumo. Find deals of every size, industry, and type.

See it in action...

Kumo aggregates deals from thousands of brokers to speed up your search

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Spend less time sourcing

Do more with less. Our platform aggregates all the publicly listed sources into one place, so your team can spend less time sourcing and more time closing deals.

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Comprehensive coverage

Track every deal from thousands of brokers and hundreds of sites in one place. New data sources added weekly.

Find your next deal. Fast.

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Smarter search with better data

Make informed decisions with thoughtful, real-time insights into available deals. Then make your next move feeling confident in your data.

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Easily surface relevant targets

Our proprietary engine with 100M+ data points & smarter search engine enables you to see the right companies faster.

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Global coverage

We source deals from all over the world. North America, Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, & Australia.

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Keep track of your deals

Save deals to your account, make personal notes, and easily reference them from your profile.

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No referral fees

We don't charge commissions, referral, or success fees.

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Get deals on your terms

Seamless filters and smart sorts help you find your deals faster: Asking Price, EBITDA, Industry, Business Type, and more.

Business listings made better with the power of AI

With AI, we analyze and condense business listings into easily digestible bullet points, making it easier for you to quickly and efficiently determine whether a business is worth exploring further.

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Cleaned up listings

No more vague, jargon-filled descriptions. Kumo AI changes all of that, by providing you with a clear and compact summary of each listing.

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Review deals swiftly and easily

Maximize your efficiency: Search, sort, and filter deals quickly with Kumo's concise, easy-to-understand summaries of businesses for sale.

Hundreds of websites, hundreds of thousands of deals

Streamline your search for the right targets and find what others miss. Confidently search for relevant opportunities with sources updated daily, and historical data for analyzing trends.

Example listing sites

Powering search for 

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independent sponsors
search funds
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Try the deal aggregator of the future, today.

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